Canadian Polish Congress of the Manitoba District carried out the action of making pierogi in the headquerter of the Sokół St Boniface, where the other organizations have joined: Jan Kanty’s Association, the Federation of Polish Women, Sokół Winnipeg and Sokół St Boniface. We would like to thank you all of them!
Pierogi will be on sale after the Holy Masses in the hall of the Church of St. Andrew Bobola. The sale will start on Sunday, April 3 and will continue on April 10.
We cordially encourage you to buy pierogi, and thus support the next help for the victims of the war. The money raised from this sale will be donated to the Ignatianum Academy in Krakow, where there are currently 200 refugees from Ukraine, mothers with children.
We hope that pierogi will taste good and we will inform you about the amount of collected and donated funds in the near future, before Easter.